June 2024

  • MCAT, GradDipCAT, BNurs, BA (Visual Arts), AThR, RN

    Michaela obtained her MA in creative arts therapies from Murdoch University, Perth WA. She is an accredited creative arts therapist and a professional member registered with ANZACATA. For the past 28 years she has held a variety of professional positions in the public and private health sector including mental health nursing and visual artist and is currently employed as a creative arts therapist in a forensic hospital. She is a practising visual artist and utilises her skills and experience in assisting forensic patients to explore the various creative processes to facilitate self-improvement, growth and self-expression. Michaela has a personal interest in cancer and is keen to explore further the connection and impact that creative art therapies and art has on one's physical, mental and emotional health.

This work is published in JoCAT and is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA-4.0 license.

  • Levey, A. (Host). (2024, June). “All I need to know, that you know, that within my body there is me”: Michaela Psaila-Savona in conversation with Amanda Levey [Audio podcast]. JoCAT Podcasts. JoCAT. https://www.jocat-online.org/p-24-psailasavona-levey

Michaela Psaila-Savona

“All I need to know, that you know, that within my body there is me”: Michaela Psaila-Savona in conversation with Amanda Levey

In this podcast Amanda Levey speaks with Michaela Psaila-Savona about her article ‘An art-based research inquiry: The disruptive effect of a cancer diagnosis on one’s quality of life’. In the article she describes a single case study arts-based inquiry with a cancer survivor with an emphasis on post-treatment living. Through this inquiry Michaela and her participant were able to identify their sources of unresolved trauma resulting from diagnosis and treatment and their motivation for an improved future. The title of this podcast is taken from a quote by Michele Petrone that particularly resonated with Michaela.

Participant, So many questions, 2022, lead pencil and watercolour on paper, 297 x 210mm.

You can read the article here:

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