editorial policy

IP and copyright

Intellectual property

Authors of JoCAT articles and creative works in any media retain Intellectual Property Rights to and copyright of their material while granting JoCAT first publication and distribution rights. Readers must properly acknowledge the authorship of all JoCAT material in their own writing and presentations through acknowledgement, formal citation and referencing. Readers are permitted to download, print and circulate copies of articles without authorial or publisher permission so long as this is for non-commercial purposes only and authorship and publication details are fully acknowledged.


JoCAT is a Gold Open Access journal. Due to the funding provided by ANZACATA, JoCAT is freely available, and contributors are not charged open access fees. Individual authors and creators retain copyright of their work and grant access under a Creative Commons licence. The contributions published in JoCAT can be downloaded, reproduced, displayed, performed and/or shared, for non-commercial purposes only, without prior permission, on the express condition that the content is not altered in any way and is properly and fully attributed to individual authors, creators and the journal. Other rights such as publicity, privacy or moral rights may also limit how you use the material. Our authors and creators, and the integrity of their scholarly and creative work, must always be acknowledged and respected.  

Opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher expects authors to comply, makes no representation or warranty that the information contained in articles is accurate, nor accepts liability or responsibility for any action arising out of information contained in this journal. 

Each work published in JoCAT is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA-4.0 license. 

Original artworks, photographs, performances, video clips and stills must not be reproduced separately from the JoCAT published contributions in which they are embedded. The moral right of individual artists and or producers is preserved.

Conflict of interest policy 

JoCAT editors must disclose any close personal or professional relationships with authors and stand back from the review process, which will be managed by an alternative member of the editorial team.  

JoCAT does not accept any new submissions including full research papers, practice papers, creative contributions, interviews, reviews, and essays with a JoCAT editor listed as a sole author or as a co-author. (Editorials, explainers, some reviews, and podcasts with an editor as interviewer sit outside this policy.)

Peer reviewers must disclose if they recognise authors despite anonymisation and will cease to review that paper unless the only practical and mutually agreed option is open peer review, for instance where the submission is based on a conference paper.  

Authors must disclose any close personal or professional relationships with editors. An editor who is so named will not take any part in the editorial or review management process for that paper. Authors are asked to declare in advance if there are reviewers whom JoCAT should not approach on the grounds of a conflict of interest, and these reviewers will not be approached to review the author’s paper. 

Research integrity and ethics policy  

JoCAT follows COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Guidelines on best practice publication ethics, including but not limited to the management and referral of concerns and complaints about research misconduct. 

Authors of papers based on research with human participants will include the ethics approval number and the approving research ethics body on the author disclosure form. Ethics approval must be prospective: i.e. approval must have been gained prior to undertaking the research, which usually means prior to undertaking fieldwork, but can also refer to prospective approval from an ethics committee to analyse and write about previously gathered or archival data.  

Advertising policy 

JoCAT does not publish or accept fees for advertising. JoCAT will refer any advertising enquiries to ANZACATA communications to consider for the Association’s newsletter and events pages. Reviews of books, exhibitions and performances are screened before publication for balance and intellectual integrity. JoCAT may occasionally promote linked not-for-profit events through our website or news.