volume 8, number 1, 2013

About the cover artwork

Nona Cameron, Matchbox moments: 11 days of a year in reflection, 2012-13, cardboard matchboxes and glued collage elements, each matchbox – 50 x 35 x 15mm, total dimensions – 140 x 140 x 35mm.

Throughout 2012 I made a daily reflection in a matchbox. The qualities, textures and values that remained with me from interactions were captured as little storied boxes, dated, titled and pocketed. This reflective practice gave shape to significant moments from my lived experience in my arts therapy practice in hospital, teaching and supervision, and in my everyday life. 

Selected matchboxes:
1a & b. I met her in the Coronary Care Unit, 13 January 2012;
2. Morning ritual, 28 January 2012;
3. He worried so, 5 February 2012;
4. Miecat! 13 February 2012;
5. Oh, Tuesday! 14 February 2012;
6. Contemplating impermanence, 19 February 2012;
7. First: Being with the layers of silence, 22 May 2012;
8. Kalon Tripa, 25 June 2012;
9. Marking til midnight. What is enough? 30 July 2012;
10. Planting the seeds, working hard, preparing the harvest, 2 September 2012;
11. Holding the space, 18 November 2012.