volume 6, number 1, 2011
About the cover artwork
Simone Clare, Movement, 2010
I am thrilled to be able to share with the ANZATA community one of the images I created during my Masters of Arts in Arts Therapy at Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design. It was created in order to ‘speak’ to my peers through visual means. As I watched their expressive dance and movements I was in awe of them and so wished to join in and experience that sense of freedom and flow. Although they gently supported and accepted me as a witness to their movement I just could not join in. For me it was like being held by some invisible force freezing and twisting my spine impeding all sense of flow. Creating the image has allowed me to explain without words and more importantly to acknowledge in myself that my dance does in fact happen, it is in the movement within the painting itself. I am reminded that this awareness in part is what we as arts therapists promote for our clients.