ANZJAT, volume 4, number 1, 2009 /welcome ANZATA welcome / Megan Shiell /editorial Editorial – On our self-reflexive capacity / Tarquam Mckenna /info Publication date: October 2009ISSN: 1833-9948Editor: Dr Tarquam Mckenna Publisher: ANZJAT full publication details /cover artwork about the cover artwork /articles Positive psychology and art therapy / Gioia Chilton and Rebecca A Wilkinson British Australian: Art therapy, white racial identity and racism in Australia / Megan Holloway A brief report of art therapy in an inpatient mental health unit: Consumer feedback and experience / Scott Lamont, Dianne Sutton and Scott Brunero From self-harm to creation: A young woman’s journey through art therapy / Suraya Langston The rhythms of loss and remembrance / Morgan Libeau Becoming ‘otherwise’: A Story of a collaborative and narrative approach to art therapy with indigenous kids ‘in care’ / Sheridan Linnell