Editorial, peer review and production process

The editorial, peer review and production process of any journal can mean that your submission might take a long time necessitating a lot of work by author, editor and production staff alike. We have outlined the process and its complexity here to prepare authors for what sometimes can feel an onerous, but ultimately rewarding, journey in publishing.

The full process – from making a submission, to the online delivery and marketing of the finished work.

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The process explained

Click on the numbered pop-up descriptors to gain a better understanding of each stage of the process.

1. Submission deadlineA submission deadline is indicated but submissions can be made at any time throughout the year.

2. Submissions consideredDepending on the number of submissions received and editor availability, this can take a few weeks.

3. Pre-peer review changesSometimes changes are needed before a submission can be sent to peer review. Authors are given realistic deadlines depending on the extent of revision required.

4. The peer review ProcessFinding appropriate professionals with the capacity to peer review can take some time.

5. The peer review process (cont)Peer reviewers are given four weeks to complete their review. Sometimes busy professionals request extensions.

6. The peer review process (cont)Authors are given a detailed report with feedback from the editor and from the peer reviewers.

7. Author changes stageAuthors are given three weeks to return their revised papers. More time can be granted if major revisions are required.

8. CopyeditingCopyediting usually takes about a week.

9. Author sign-offAuthors are asked to sign off on the copyedited version and are usually given about a week.

10. Final sign-offAuthors are usually given final sign-off once the page has been built. This is negotiated with the designer.

11. Going live – published!Content drops every four weeks. This is publicised via both the JoCAT and ANZACATA eNews, and three JoCAT social media platforms.