RTM in Felt conversation with Deborah Green

In this podcast Deborah Green speaks with RTM about their article 'Embodied awareness: An inquiry into finding a felt-sense through a neurodivergent lens’, where the author shares their process of coming to know about embodied awareness. A multi-modal autoethnographic account, this arts-based inquiry follows their experience of learning about and finding a felt-sense. The article also explores ideas about word privilege and the potential epistemological value found within multi-modal forms of inquiry and dissemination.

RTM, Pip Felts, 2022, felted fur, discussed in the podcast.

You can read the article here:

  • Currently in the final year of postgraduate studies in Creative Arts Therapy with a specialisation in arts-based research, RTM is a multi-modal visual and performance artist, photographer, poet, writer, and creative arts therapist. They are passionate about cultivating awareness around ‘studio arts inquiry practice’ as a therapeutic modality. As an arts-based researcher, RTM delves into the ontology of neurodivergent lived experience and how this impacts/is impacted by trauma, relationality, and epistemological considerations. RTM aspires to see neurodivergent modes of expression and understanding more widely integrated and represented within research literature and academia. They are curious to see what emerges from and beyond the post-qualitative and the depth and inclusivity this could bring to academic and therapeutic landscapes.

This work is published in JoCAT and is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA-4.0 license.

  • Green, D. (Host). (2024, July). RTM in Felt conversation with Deborah Green [Audio podcast]. JoCAT Podcasts. JoCAT. https://www.jocat-online.org/p-24-rtm-green

July 2024

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