
JoCAT’s /explore facility allows you to explore published JoCAT and ANZJAT articles, creative works, reviews, interviews and podcasts, and videos by theme. Themes are added as they emerge from our current and back issues so please check back into the JoCAT website or follow us on our social.


  • Theatre enables audiences to change. If we get to see a live show, we humans often single out a role to identify with and wonder what might happen to that character after the curtain falls.

    Dramatherapy offers drama techniques and theatre-based models to support participants in the creativity and expressive ability we all share. People tell their stories in a wide variety of settings, including in hospitals, schools, mental health centres, prisons and businesses. Participants may not belong to any of these settings though – drama is part of being human. It exists in many forms, including drama psychotherapy. It is rooted in ancient human rituals of celebration, change and basic fulfilment of human need and a desire to bring about positive self-healing.

    As dramatherapists, we aim to help participants address real-life relationships and social situations through drama and support them in engaging their imagination to explore experiences, issues and memories. Dramatherapists involve participants in playing with their lifescript, telling their story in a new way and encourage improved motivation, social skills, self-awareness and self-esteem. We support the development of concepts of responsibility for the self, others and the planet in relationships.

    Dramatherapists support others to sort out which roles they want to let go or keep and improvise new ones they would like to play. They are trained to establish trust with their groups or individual participants, so that aspects of the self can be safely explored. Then participants can reflect and move on with their ‘I’ in charge – an aspect of client safety we hold very dear.


/conference report

/creative contribution

/book reviews


Theatre with marginalised communities / Amelia Yiakmis speaks with Adrian Jackson

November 2022


Fluids, Bodily: When the script fragments and instinct guide the way / Yesim Sokmen interviews Cassie Sim and Richard Huber 

October 2014

We are looking to add more publications in this area of research. If you are undertaking creative arts therapies research in dramatherapy and would like to contribute to JoCAT please get in touch.

Please note that there is an Author Support Bursary to encourage a greater diversity of voices in JoCAT. Read more information about this scheme by clicking the button below.